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Photo Akihiko  Wakai

Akihiko Wakai

Gunma University

Specialty My field of expertise is geotechnical engineering, which is one of the important specialized field in civil engineering. And if I'm forced to say, my specialty field in geotechnical engineering is especially for analyzing various mechanical behaviors of the ground with use of numerical simulation tools. Research objects that have been tackled so far are, for example, resistance of pile foundations, seismic stability of retaining walls, settlement of weak clayey ground, prediction of earthquke-induced or rainfall induced slope failure, evaluation of various kinds of landslide countermeasures and etc. In addition, what I want to emphasize is that most of the numerical simulation tools used for the above studies such as elasto-plastic finite element code have been developed by ourselves. These studies round out the results of many years of our research in Gunma University.
Science Interest
One of my past typical research topics was to simulate earthquake-induced landslide with use of the dynamic elasto-plastic finite element code which have been developed by ourselves. The damage caused by an earthquake-induced landslide can generally be classified as either a limited deformation or a catastrophic failure. From an engineering point of view, the latter can be much more dangerous because the sliding mass may continue moving until it collides with another object. In our past studies, a new numerical model is developed to simulate an earthquake-induced catastrophic landslide that occurs at a typical dip slope. The measured stress-displacement relationships under cyclic loading are numerically modeled as a newly proposed elasto-plastic constitutive model, which is used in the numerical simulation of the landslide, based on the dynamic finite element method. The observed phenomena are appropriately simulated by the proposed method.
Science Interest
One of my present research topics is to develop a simple prediction method for groundwater rising in natural slopes. Every year, numerous numbers of slope failures are induced by heavy rainfall with the influence of monsoon especially in developing countries in Asia. The finite element method has been often used to analyse the mechanisms of slope failure under rainfall. Usually a high-spec calculator and a long period of calculation time are inevitably required to carry out such rigorous simulations. In our study, however, a simple prediction method for groundwater rising in natural slopes of the ground comparatively shallow depth is developed based on the parametric studies with the finite element method under the assumption of semi-infinite homogeneous slope. Part of this work was supported by JST SICORP (e-ASIA Joint Research Program) Grant Number JPMJSC18E3, Japan.
Science Interest
One of my future research plan that we are starting to perform is to simulate creeping landslides subjected to groundwater fluctuations during rainy and snow-melt seasons. The numerical simulation tools of the elasto-plastic finite element code will be developed by ourselves. Creeping landslides are one of the major natural disasters in mountainous regions. Therefore, study of the creeping behavior of a landslide and associated geotechnical issues are important. We will propose a more realistic constitutive model of soil to simulate creeping phenomena where new control constitutive parameters are incorporated in the proposed model. With use of such strategy for modeling, the displacement rate can be directly controlled by such newly proposed model. In our study, a novel 2D-Elasto-viscoplastic constitutive model will be applied to simulate the creeping behavior owing to ground water level fluctuations of a creeping landslide in Japan as a case study.
Website / Contact Shortly we are going to launch a new website for publishment of our latest research works to the world. When it is ready, the URL will be reported in here.
